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What is Mobile Arq?  

Moblie Arq is our school’s online directory. It is where you can find the names and contact information for EFS families and staff.  It is a great tool to connect with others. A directory usage fee is included in the PTA dues.


This year, we will also be using it to order pasta and pizza lunch as well as for other PTA fundraisers.


How do I join Mobile Arq?

If you are a new family, you need to go directly to this link and click on Parent Registration. The code is essexfells (case sensitive) Once logged on, please review and update your family information. If you would like to download the app to your smartphone, go to the app store and search for Mobile Arq.


If you have any problems or questions regarding Mobile Arq please contact Ashley Moran 



Does the school offer a lunch program and how do I sign up?

For 2022-23 lunch programs are available Monday (chicken fingers), Wednesday (pizza), Friday (pasta).


When are the PTA meetings?

PTA meetings are held monthly (dates depend on the school schedule) in person and everyone is invited to attend.  Once dates are finalized, they are made available on the school calendar.  Meetings are a great way to meet new people, and to learn about upcoming events and ways to get involved.  We hope to see you there!


Are there any PTA dues or other costs?

Yes, at the beginning of every school year each family is asked to pay $25 in PTA dues. 

Also at the start of the school year, we ask families to pay class contributions.  These are collected per student and funds are used by the class moms for class parties and other special events. Families can also contribute (voluntary) to the teacher’s gifts fund (which provides an equal gift for all teachers to receive during the holidays and also an  end-of the year gift). These are all collected through Mobile Arq


Are there any school fundraisers?

Yes, the PTA participates in a few fundraisers throughout the school year that have included: spirit wear, mum sale, book fair, family fun night, and a personalized brick sale.  Our largest fundraiser is held in the spring.  It is a cocktail event that includes silent and open auction, raffles and more!  It is a fun and successful evening! 


How do I get involved?

There are so many great ways to get involved at the school including the Hospitality committee, volunteering to be a Class Parent, Green Thumb committee, Olympics, and much more.  We would love to discuss options that fit your interest and time availability.  Please feel free to contact us at

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